Sunday, May 15, 2011

A herb is a plant or plant part used for its scent, flavor or therapeutic properties. Tibb-e-Unani (Herbal medicine) products are dietary supplements that people take to improve their health.

Traditional Tibb-e-Unani (Herbal medicine)is going popularity very fast not in a Pakistan but also in all over the world. An increasing number of people are seeking relief from their illness by opting for Herbal medicine. Herbal medicine is one of the oldest and most comprehensive forms of internal medicine and has been practiced for almost 5,000 year. The healing properties of plants and other natural substances is one of biggest contributions to modern to modern medicine. In fact, many pharmaceutical companies have benefited immensely from knowledge acquired from the effectiveness of Herbal medicine. The reason why medicines are gaining popularity is because they offer a natural form of therapy, that is often free of many side-effects. Another benefit in talking
This is famous as Unani mode of Treatment for all diseases. We focus for better health and best possible living standards. The medicines we use are purely based on natural herbs and respectively we claim that the medicines we manufacture have absolutely no side effects. We are working not only as a normal herbal manufacturer but we are working in this profession with a noble for spreading the herbal mode of treatment all over the world. WE provide information on botanical medicine and natural healings.
Herbal medicine is the fact that herbalists have evolved a method in which herbs are combined to enhance the maximum beneficial effects they may provide. Specialists rely on traditional herbal formulas that are designed to treat a wide variety of common imbalances, and every individual will receive a different combination of herbs to suit his own requirements. Medicines also work by creating a balance in the body, by strengthening by supplementing parts that have become weak, or are not functioning at full capacity. The use of natural things to boost the immune system and enhance the functioning of the bodys organs is one of the most effective methods of treatment . Thanks to...:

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